If you had told my high school self that 15 years down the road I would be standing in Staples Center wearing a DeAndre Jordan basketball jersey and screaming my head off during game seven of the NBA playoffs she would have blown cigarette smoke angrily out of her nose and told you how full of shit you were. Unfortunately for her, this is exactly what happened.
I’m not quite sure how I got here, but I have a closet full of Clippers and Angels gear (well, what little space isn’t taken up by all of my pinup dresses, anyway) and hardly a week passes without me watching a sports game, either live or on television. Oh, yeah, and friend of mine recently called me the most interesting person she knows because I am, and I quote, the “NASCAR Pinup.”
These are my adventures in the world of sports fandom, from buying season tickets to the Clippers at a baseball game in Atlanta to figuring out the proper hair height for stadium seating (I try to be respectful about my beehives!). These are my adventures as the Glammor Jock!